March 19, 2009

April is National Poetry Month

I do dare disturb the universe. I'd like to try to write a poem a day, just to get more writing in, as I haven't written much in a while. And check out January/Poet Mom's fab vlog, where she talks NaPoWriMo, NPM, and a couple of the challenges and suggestions she's got for you this April.

Think you'll run out of ideas? ReadWritePoem promises a prompt a day to keep you fueled.


Q said...

I'd do it, but when I write poetry because I have to it doesn't come out meaningful.

Maya Ganesan said...

Yeah, that can happen, but I think the main goal here with NPWM is to get people writing again, and get their ideas flowing and the Muses going and good things do come out of *that*.

January said...

That's exactly right, Maya. You'll get some truly bad poems, but you'll definitely get some drafts out of this process.

Maya Ganesan said...

Oh, yes. That's a big part of what I'm hoping to get out of this, other than the experience. I'd like to get some starts, some drafts, and get some ideas and inspiration for future poems. And I'm looking forward to seeing what the truly bad poems look like, actually. I'm okay with having those bad ones, because I know you'll always have them. I know I can't be afraid to have those, because that doesn't make you a better poet in any way at all.

Holly said...

Oh! This is exciting. I would love to write a poem a day...I'll make that my goal too.

Maya Ganesan said...

Sure! I'll think of you while I'm writing ;)

Cassandra said...

Oh man. Script Frenzy and National Poetry Month? Yikes... How does one choose?

septembermom said...

As an aspiring poet, I can always benefit from ideas to spur my poetry. Thanks for the information and hopefully, motivation :)

Maya Ganesan said...

You sure you don't have time for both? ;) Then pick the one you'd prefer, Cassandra. Maybe you want to do your own little NPM some other month, if Script Frenzy is taking up your time this time.

Maya Ganesan said...

septembermom, you're really welcome. I'm glad, and I think it's great that ReadWritePoem is going to keep the prompts going. That's going to be great inspiration for those of us who are a bit dry -- and for you, as an aspiring poet.

Enjoy NPM!